KiyaAi Continues its Stellar Run in IBSI SLT, Ranks #1 Globally in Compliance Management in 2021 Edition

KiyaAi extended its stellar record in the IBS Intelligence(IBSI)Sales League Table (SLT), the industry-acknowledged yardstick for global banking technology supplier performance. In the recently released IBSI SLT 2021,we ranked #1 globally in the Compliance Management category for KiyaAi Anti-Money Laundering solution for the second consecutive year. In addition totoppingthecompliance management category globally, KiyaAi isrecognisedas the domestic market leader for the Indian region for thefourthsuccessive year in theSLTwith almost 7x more deals than the next contender.
In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, the IBSI SLT 2021 rankingsserve asan identifier for fintech brands withglobal acceptance and demand.The 2021 edition of the IBSI SLT was created afte ranalysingmore than 2000 global banking technology deals made by 1000+ banks and reported across 150 countries to identify the best performing digital banking solutions in 17 major categories.
Our diverse portfolio of digital financial solutions helped us seal the third rank on the Global Leadership table for Product Breadth. KiyaAi’s splendid performance over the last five years also earned it a place on the newly constituted IBSI SLT Leaderboardin the Digital Banking & Channels, Lending, and Risk & Compliance categories.
All IBSI SLT 2021 Recognitions:
- Ranked #1 Globally for Compliance Management Category for KiyaAi AML
- Ranked #1 Market Leader in India for Regtech, Omnichannel, and Core Banking Solutions
- Ranked #3 on the Global Leadership Table for Product Breadth
- Featured in the IBSI SLT Leaderboard for Digital Banking & Channels, Risk & Compliance, and Lending categories