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Anti-Fraud Solution

Enterprise-Grade Fraud Solution Enabled with Next-Gen Fraud Analytics

The impact of today’s organised cybercrime is felt across the financial sectors globally. As more people access financial services and accounts from personal devices, financial institutions and their users have become the primary targets for fraud. An intelligent and highly scalable processing engine is a must in today digital world, which can monitor and mitigate fraud across multiple customer touch points, diverse transaction types and in the high velocity of transactions.

KiyaAi’s Anti-Fraud Solution is an enterprise-wide solution designed to implement strong fraud prevention, detection and analytical tools to reduce frauds & risk exposure. Our solution is based on a high degree of automation with minimal manual intervention. The solution utilises Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to increase the accuracy of its fraudulent pattern detection algorithms and to reduce the number of false positives. Available as individual components, or an integrated whole, the solution is built upon a common technology platform and offers both real-time and batch processing for proven efficient fraud prevention, detection and lower false positive rates across all products and channels.

Key Attributes

Advanced analytics with unique neural network model

Increased operational efficiency

Significantly reduced false positives

Supports multiple languages, geographies and sectors

Agility to integrate with third party systems

Enables prevention, detection and elimination of sophisticated criminal activity


Unified Platform

Holistic view of fraud by monitoring multiple channels and types of transaction

Real-time Alerts

Real-time prevention, detection, monitoring and reporting

Cognitive Fraud Intelligence

Enhanced fraud detection of anomalous pattern with every fraud intuition


Block fraudulent transactions on a real-time basis across channels and processes

Enhanced Detection

Improved fraud detection capabilities with accurate detection alerts

Predictive Analysis

Automated processing of complex fraud cases using predictive analysis and machine learning

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