In this new era of global tax reporting, there are more regulations than ever-before around tax transparency. FATCA and CRS have a far-reaching global impact beyond the original intention of minimising offshore tax evasion and regulating financial institutions.

KiyaAi’s FATCA & CRS solution offers market-leading software that simplifies the FATCA and CRS compliance process and removes the burden of formulating and implementing a new compliance policy. Our solution touche base with areas such as customer categorisation, customer communication and reporting requirements.

Key Attributes

Overall Compliance - Supports all areas of compliance, Due Diligence (client classification) and Reporting.

Automated checks with built-in analytics and detection models.

Data capture capability for categorizing customers

Pre-configured screens, dashboard, workflows, and reports

History & audit capabilities with full traceability

Data privacy and advanced security features

Handling of large volumes of data and bulk processing

Value Delivered

Adaptive & Dynamic

Seamless and easy to adapt changing regulatory requirements.

Real-time Tracking

Monitoring and Reporting of Comprehensive data and document validation & tracking.

One-stop solution

A single platform to cater compliance requirements of both FATCA and CRS.

High Agility

Readily available components and fast implementation.


Flexible and scalable with negligible impact on existing business processes.

Cost Efficiency

Facilitates operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

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