XBRL Reporting Solution

Robust Solution for the Central Bank of Ireland XBRL Reporting of PIMD and FINREP returns


KiyaAi’s XBRL Reporting tool provides a standard for uniform reporting of financial information for banks, investors, and government authorities. It enables organisations to submit the Central Bank of Ireland Taxonomy XBRL versions of the PRISM Impact Metrics Data return PIMD and FINREP return(s), currently offered on ONR by investment firms/fund service providers.

Key Features

Streamlines Maker-Checker Workflow

Manages and Tracks Submissions

Sends Email Notifications and Reminders

Enables Excel Upload for Smaller Size Data

Provides Audit History and Traceability

Offers Data Privacy as per Jurisdictions or Users

Multi-tenant, Multi-Entity Solution

Provides Dashboard and Analytical Reports


Enables PRISM and FINREP Report Generation

Offers Complete Compliance with Regulatory Requirements

Provides Latest Taxonomy Updates

Enables Verification of Business Validations and Checkpoints Based on Regulation

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